September 18,2016

Our Lady of Lourdes Church was enrolled in the Stephen Ministry.  The Stephen Ministers provide one-to-one Christian care to hurting people in and around the parish.

This ministry was founded to help those going through very difficult times.  It began in 1975 in St. Louis by a pastor and clinical psychologist, Rev. Kenneth Haugk.  He found himself unable to help meet the needs of many in his congregation.  So he trained laypeople in his church to assist him in providing Christian care to people who were experiencing life’s difficulties.  The name Stephen comes from St. Stephen, who was the first deacon appointed by the apostles, to provide a caring ministry to those in need.  Stephen Ministers are there to supplement, but not replace, pastoral care.  The care receivers remain confidential except to their Stephen Minister and the Stephen Leader who has paired them. Men are paired with men and women with women. 

 Stephen Ministers are the After People.  They are there:  After the phone call you hoped you’d never get; after the divorce papers are served and the bottom falls out of your life; after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you; after the doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.”  After the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.” After the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away – and the house suddenly seems empty; after the gavel goes down, the handcuffs go on and your loved one is led away; after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck; after the baby you’ve wanted for so long is born with special needs; after the job promotion you’ve earned leaves you feeling overwhelmed; after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out. 

Stephen Ministers listen, care, and are ready to come alongside you – or your friends, neighbors, coworkers or relatives- and provide comfort and support for as long after as needed.  The Stephen Minister is there to walk with you through your crisis and to help you see that, with God’s love, you will be okay. 

For more information on OLL’s Stephen Ministry, please call 818-349-1500, ext. 150, or email stephenmin@ollnr.org



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